Her creative genius shines as a developer of customized processes and programs that have impacted thousands of lives. Drawing from her own life experiences she works in the areas of conflict management, leadership, team dynamics and creating healthy organizations, businesses and workplaces. Her ability to engage diverse audiences, relate effectively to their reality and get the job done has made her a much sought after speaker, trainer, mediator and facilitator.
Working across Canada and internationally as a mediator, trainer, speaker and facilitator since 1992, Ruth’s client list includes more than 50 different Federal and Provincial Government departments, corporations, business associations, school boards, professional associations, health care institutions, social service agencies and unions. Ruth has a BSc Integrated Science from Carleton University, a Master’s Certificate in Mediation from The Leonard Institute, California and more than 900 hours of additional training in conflict management, organizational dynamics, leadership, human dynamics, critical incident stress debriefing and other related fields.
Ruth works from the premise that constructive relationships, trust, respect and teamwork are key ingredients for a positive workplace atmosphere characterized by optimistic employees, high productivity and good morale. Organizations do not achieve this healthy environment by accident – they invest in creating it! Using the techniques and strategies she has honed and developed, she strives to promote a more palatable approach to life by guiding people through the processes required to resolve tough complex conflicts, manage difficult relationships, create sustainable change in their lives and live to tell about it.
She offers to support you to achieve your success by fostering the professional growth of your organization through the many and varied services she offers.
- Keynotes, Presentations and Professional Development sessions offer your audience new information, humour and an invitation to explore their reality through a new window on their world.
- Training such as the acclaimed cutting edge “Power to Resolve Certificate ProgramTM” which have been shown to inspire confidence and effect positive changes in the way people relate to each other, to clients and to others with whom they interact (and is fun and entertaining too).
- Conflict Resolution Coaching service which provides one-on-one support to assist individuals or groups to determine the best strategies to resolve a problem and minimize the collateral damage!
- Mediation, Group Facilitation, Workplace Assessments and Workplace Intervention Conferences can assist small and large groups to have the difficult conversations needed to help to bring closure to conflicts and get people back to work and focused on getting the job done.
- Outdoor Professional Development sessions – take your group’s event outdoors and experience the incredible learning environment nature provides. Safe, fun and different!