Kevin Brown has over 30 diverse years as a conflict coach, mediator, ombudsman and facilitator of ADR multicultural and negotiation courses.
Kevin is listed on mediation expert rosters with the United Nations (UNDP), International Mediation Institute (IMI), Mainland Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center (MHKJMC), Mediation International (MI) and the International Mediators Association (IMA).
Kevin currently applies his mediation and ombuds skills to his work with the United Nations Office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services., Green Climate Fund, FAO and the European Space Agency.
He is the president of Mediation International, a global organization that provides, among other services, mediation and other ADR, Mediation International is also a Quality Assessment Program (QAP) with IMI, approved to assess individual mediator skills and knowledge of those wishing to become internationally recognized as a certified mediator with IMI.
His background includes a Masters degree in International Conflict Analysis and Management with Royal Roads University in Canada and he has a Ph.D. in Conflict Management and Mediation; 30+ years experience as an mediator; designer of training programs; more than 1000 mediations, over 10,000 hours facilitating training programs, as well as extensive experience investigating individual, organizational and multicultural conflict scenarios.
Kevin has significant experience in facilitation, mediation, negotiation and leadership support working with international multicultural conflicts in Afghanistan, Thailand, Rwanda, Georgia, Germany, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, UK, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Bangladesh, Africa and Canada conducting conflict assessments, trainings, mediations, conflict resolution and cultural diversity courses.
From 2002-2011, he worked as a civilian Senior Mediator with the Canadian government (Department of National Defence, DND) and conducted well over 500 mediations, 800 ADR consultations; provided conflict coaching, group needs workplace assessments, group interventions, presentations to over 3000 military and civilian personnel and trained over 2000 persons in Resolving Conflict Effectively (RCE) and Conflict Management for Leaders (CML). He also mentored dozens of mediators.
He provided expert advice, support and training related to the grievance and complaint processes at the Department of National Defence. Concurrently Kevin co-developed and updated policies related to Alternative Dispute Resolution and the functioning of the Dispute Resolution Centers.
Kevin provided training at the cultural awareness programs offered to the Canadian Military Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC). He led the ADR component of the Joint Inter-Agency Multi-National Public (JIMP) program, which designed a methodology to assist in the building of trust and interpersonal conflict management skills in situations where NGO’s, Gov’t and military are required to work together with similar objectives. Kevin developed ADR training programs for a G-20 Summit similar to the training provided to the RCMP, Heritage Canada and Military for the 2010 Olympics.
Kevin co-developed the syllabus for the national ADR training program, currently utilized at all military bases across Canada.
His work at DND was pivotal to the evolution of their training courses. In 2006 he wrote, produced, directed and narrated two Conflict Management DVD’s, which continue to be viewed nationally by DND members and employees in their RCE and CML courses.
Prior to DND Kevin was self-employed as a mediator conducting family and workplace mediations and trainings as well as civil, commercial and criminal mediations as a roster mediator with the Ontario courts.
Subsequent to his work at DND, Kevin moved to Europe to further his career and began offering his services in Spain, across Europe and internationally. Kevin currently conducts international Ombuds work conducting mediations, trainings, conflict coaching, and facilitating ADR communication and intercultural courses. Kevin is also the executive organizer for the Annual World Mediation Summit and has published his second book with 20+ authors, all of which, have been involved in the World Mediation Summit recognizing mediation efforts internationally.